Effortlessly Enroll as an International Student with Comox Valley Schools
Embark on your educational journey with us in a straightforward and secure manner, through our dedicated True North application portal. Joining our diverse mix of international students is a simple process.
Pre-Application Checklist
Before diving into the online application process, it’s crucial to gather all essential information and documents. A comprehensive list of what you need is listed in the program dropdown menus below.
For a seamless application process, ensure that all necessary and recommended documents are uploaded as PDF or JPEG files. Keep in mind that each file must be less than 5MB. If a document exceeds this size, it suggests that the scanning resolution is too high. Simply rescanning the document at a lower resolution will resolve this issue.
Application Timeline
Once you initiate your application, you have a 30-day window to complete and submit it. Please note that after this period, your application will be automatically deleted as part of our data management policy. To avoid any inconvenience, we encourage you to complete your application within this time frame. Remember, we can only process complete applications, so make sure to check all the boxes!
Submit a 3 – 10 month school year or Graduation Program application, with the following information and documents listed below.
Required Information
Applicant’s Full Legal Name, DOB, Address
Both Parent/Guardian’s Full Legal Names, DOB, Address, Email, Phone numbers
Required Documents
Transcripts or Report Card
Provide a record of grades for the last two years, translated into English.
Parent(s) and applicant must sign our International Student Agreement and will be prompted to download the Agreement during the application process through the secure online application system.
Parent(s) must sign our Activity Waiver and will be prompted to download the Waiver during the application process through the secure online application system.
Passport Data Page
Provide a colour copy of your passport data.
Students who do not hold a passport at the time of application can provide a National Identity document in leu of a Passport but must upload a Passport as soon as one is available.
Immunizations History
In the province of British Columbia (BC), school-aged children enrolled in public and independent schools are required to report their vaccination history to public health. The student’s complete Immunization history will be requested in the application process.
Recommended Documents
We recommend that you collect the following documents prior to applying. These documents assist us in making an admission decision should we require additional information.
Letters of Recommendation
Have a teacher, school counsellor, or Principal write a letter of recommendation for the applicant. The recommendation letter should be on school letterhead, identify the student and his/her positive attributes and be signed by the writer.
Letter of Intent
Tell us why you want to study in Canada and the Comox Valley School District International Student Program. Introduce yourself to your homestay family and include your hobbies and future goals. This letter should be written by the applicant and in the applicant’s own words.
Photo Collage
Students can compile photos to assist in the homestay placement process. Scan the entire album or create a photo collage as one document and ensure it is 5MB or less.
Awards & Certificates
Show off your success by showing us what you have won or earned.
Other Documents
Any document pertinent to admission not listed above, such as a student interview form, can be submitted as a single document in the Other Documents field.
Submit a Summer Program application, with the following documents and information listed below.
Required Documents
Passport Data Page
Provide a colour copy of your passport data.
Students who do not hold a passport at the time of application can provide a National Identity document in lieu of a Passport but must upload a Passport as soon as one is available.
Parent(s) must sign our Activity Waiver and will be prompted to download the Waiver during the application process through the secure online application system
Parent(s) and applicant must sign our International Student Agreement and will be prompted to download the Agreement during the application process through the secure online application system.
Immunization Record
In the province of British Columbia (BC), school-aged children enrolled in public and independent schools are required to report their vaccination history to public health. The student’s complete Immunization history will be requested in the application process.
Now accepting applications for the 2026 – 2027 school year
Check our Current Availability
Academic Programs
- September 1, 2025 – Closed
- January 26, 2026 – Please enquire
- September 1, 2026 – Open
3 Week
- July 2 – 18, 2025
- July 28- August 15, 2025
4 Week
- July 2 – 25, 2025
- July 28- August 22, 2025
8 Week
- July 2 – August 22, 2025