Deep Bay Marine Station – Friday May 6th, 2016
The Comox Valley International Student Program will be going on a field trip to Deep Bay Marine Station. You can check out their website: Deep Bay Marine Station, we will do some Exploring!! We will have a Station Tour with hands on with Sea life, lunch provided, Intertidal Exploration on the Beach.
We will be leaving Courtenay from Ricki’s Restaurant Parking Lot at 10:00 am and will be returning to the same location at 2:30 pm.
COST: $15.00 – please pay and register with your ISP Teacher at school on starting on Monday, April 18th. You can also pay at the ISP Office at Lake Trail Middle School. You can also pay by credit card, by completing the credit card form and returning it to suella.price@sd71.bc.ca.
Also please note: Please fill out the Deep Bay Marine Station Medical Information Form and email to me or give to your ISP Teacher at School. These will need to be sent in by Monday, April 25th.
We will also be looking for Two more additional Chaperones to Join us for this trip. Homestay, if you are interested please let me know.
I look forward to our Trip! It should be a lot of fun!