Student Testimonials
Video Testimonials
Germany and Mexico
Written Testimonials

First thing I want to say is thank you, thank you for sharing this amazing year with me and for gave me the opportunity to be here.
In this year I had so many good moments and experiences that I probably couldn’t choose just one, I had the opportunity to meet people from all around the world, these people definitely made my year as one of the best years in my life. I now have so many things to share with my friends and my family back in Spain.
Every trip with the program was so much fun since the first one on Hornby Island to the last one also on Hornby. I also had the opportunity to go to Seattle with the choir that was amazing. The school, the teachers and the students were better than I thought they could be. I never thought I was strong enough to do this but I am still here after almost 10 months and honestly, I really don‘t want to leave. I will miss this so much; the way of life, my host family treated me like I was a part of the family. I will miss riding my bike to school and going to the beach with friends. It is going to be difficult to leave, I can’t wait to come back and I haven’t even left yet!
I am so thankful to the program and my host family, thank you so much, I will be back soon!

When I first came to Highland Secondary School, everything was different from what I had experienced in Korea – people, culture, language…everything. Even though it could have been much harder, the life in Canada did not seem so tough thanks to all the supports. I cannot stress enough how friends and teachers in the school welcomed me and helped me feel comfortable.
I cannot pick a specific event or a moment that is the highlight of my time at Highland simply because everyday had a highlight in some way. I learned something new or met someone new every day.
After graduation I will be studying at the famous University of Toronto. Wherever I go from now on in my life I will never forget the good times in Highland, the Comox Valley and the rest of Canada.

The decision to come to Canada was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. The experience of living in another country for a year and speaking a second language and living with a family that took me as a part of it was amazing. They took me to a lot of places to visit and helped me with whatever I asked for. I met people from around the world learning their lifestyle and culture; it has been one of the best experiences of my life.
I also have had the opportunity to go to places with the International Program like the trips to Hornby Island, Victoria, Nanaimo, Vancouver, Tofino and other places. The Comox Valley will always be my second home and I am going to miss it a lot. Also, thanks to my host mother for being a great support this year. I recommend everybody to go for an exchange because it is a great experience that you will not be able to repeat again.

I am 16 years old and I studied at Highland Secondary School. I arrived in September and was part of the Comox Valley International Student Program until February.
I never thought I would study in Canada and the Comox Valley but it was an amazing experience. My principal in Chile called me into his office one day and told me about a scholarship from my government for good students to study in Canada.
It was for only 40 students so I could not believe it when my mom called my cellphone and said, “Fernanda I received an email, it says that the Chilean Government has given you a scholarship to Canada!”
I had an awesome homestay family, met people from many countries, learned about Canadian culture, improved my English and learned the Canadian education system.
This experience changed my life and opened my eyes to the world. If you have the chance to come to the Comox Valley International Student Program, just do it, because when you are out of your comfort zone (family, friends, traditions etc.), the best things happen to you.

I have to say that everyone helped us in every way they could. I learned about subjects that I had never heard of, like First Nations Studies, while also doing activities together with my friends, like playing soccer or even going whale watching (that was my favourite; I loved it).